Manukyan Levon Avagovich was born on December 31, 1958 in Leninakan, in a family of workers. After graduation with honors of B. Garibdzhanyan High School №9, he entered in a building faculty of Leninakan branch of the Yerevan K. Marks Polytechnical Institute, which had graduated with honors in 1980.
       From 1980 - 1982 Levon served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Since 1982 he had begun a labor activity in a laboratory of modeling of the A. Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Seismic construction at the National Academy of sciences of Republic Armenia. Then he had entered and finished a postgraduate study. Becoming the senior staff scientist, levon had been nominated a laboratory manager. He solved the most intricate and significant problems having a huge value in development of the basins and increase of safety of the atomic power stations.
       Being comprehensively developed, intelligent, and simultaneously very modest and a restrained colleague, he stood with fortitude severe tests of critical time, worked, and created for the blessing of development of a science.
       He was always honest and principal, very modest and friendly, and despite of a youth, bravely overcoming vital difficulties, Levon had remained a highly moral person in outlooks to life, in a relation to the colleagues and an environment.

The site is dedicated to the memory of Levon Manukyan
( 31.12.1958 - 14.12.2002 )

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